Hore intemerate virginis marie secu[n]du[m] usum Romanu[m].

Accession number: 
PML 78955
Paris : Thielman Kerver, for Gilles Remacle, 16 Sept. 1499.
[96] leaves , illustrations (metalcuts) ; 22.5 x 14 cm. (4to)
Credit Line: 
Gift of the Trustees of the William S. Glazier collection, 1984.

Title (leaf a1r): Hore intemerate virginis marie secu[n]du[m] usum Romanu[m] totaliter ad longu[m] sine req[uire] cu[m] plurib[us] oratio[n]ib[us] in gallico et i[n] latino.
Colophon (leaf m8v): Les presentes heures a lusaige de Ro[m]me furent achevees le .xvi. jour de Septembre La[n] Mil.CCCC.iiiixx. et .xix. Par Thielman Kerver Libraire demourant a Paris en la rue des maturins devant lostel de clugny au coing de Serbone ou sur le po[n]t saint Michiel a lenseigne de la Licorne.
Kerver's printer's mark on leaf a1r.
Printed in types 11:110G of Georg Wolff, 12:83G of Georg Wolff, 14:94/95G, 16:52G, and 18:83G.
Collation: a-m⁸: 96 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto
PML copy on vellum.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 21.2 x 13.5 cm.

Contemporary French blind-tooled calf over wooden boards (22.5 x 14 cm.), sewn on 5 supports; rebacked. Vellum pastedowns and fly leaves (with manuscript text); plain endbands; gilt edges.
Variant Title: 

Horae: ad usum Romanum (Rome) [French and Latin]


Hand decoration: Illuminated initials and line fillers, yellow capital strokes. Annotations: Manuscript prayer in Latin added to front pastedown, and two texts added at end: Five Requests, begins: "Premierement mon Dieu, mon Pere et mon Createur, je vous supplie et requière qu'il vous plaise de vostre benigne grace me douner jusques a la mort inclusivement toujours sans..." and Les troys verites de Miastre Jehan Gerson, incomplete.

William S. Glazier; Pierpont Morgan Library, gift of the Trustees of the William S. Glazier collection, 1984.