Title from incipit (leaf [1]/1r): Incipit liber beati Hieronimi de essencia divinitatis.
De essentia divinitatis is not in fact by Hieronymus, but is chapter 1 of Eucherius, episcopus Lugdunensis, Formulae spiritualis intelligentiae (CIBN).
Imprint from ISTC.
Printed in Zainer's type 2:118G.
Collation: [1-2⁸]: 16 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Often found with Goff A-1089, A-1225, A-1333 (incl. A-1337), E-106, G-221, H-192, I-4 and P-1001 in any combination. Some copies of the set (e.g. Windsor RL) have a separate small leaf with a collective title of the ten tracts (see BMC, reprint). The collection has H-192 with rubricator's date of '72' in a private collection in USA (Roland Folter); previously dated before 5 June 1473 from the rubrication date ('1473 vigil pentec') of the Sammelband in Munich.
PML 27539.1 contains both ChL 288 and 289 (PML 27539.2, catalogue separately)--they form a single printed work.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 29.1 x 20.4 cm
PML copy listed under Division B in Checklist.
De essentia divinitatis
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards and capital strokes (same in entire Sammelband). Annotations: No notations in text. Evidence of former Sammelband: "5" in top right corner (leaf [1]/1r) and modern pencil foliation 38-53.