
Accession number: 
PML 21681
Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.
Venetiis : Antonius Bartolomei, .M.cccc.lxx.vi. die xxii mensis Ianuarii [22 January 1476].
[154, 210] leaves ; 41 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased by J.P. Morgan, Jr., 1922.

Title from ISTC.
Imprint from colophon, leaf x6v: Elegantissimas Diui Hieronymi Epistolas: Antonius Bartolomei Venetiis feliciter Imp[re]ssit .M.cccc.lxx.vi. Die xxii mensis Ianuarii. Finis.
Printed in Miscomini's types 2:79G and a Greek type.
Signatures, part I: V⁴; A-C¹⁰ D-IL-O⁸/¹⁰ P-R⁸ S⁶: 154 leaves, leaves V4 and A1 blank; part II: T⁴; a-t¹⁰ u-x⁸: 210 leaves, leaves a1 and x7-8 blank. Leaves A1/a1 unsigned, A2/a2 signed A1/a1, etc. Quires V and T are tabula to parts I and II, respecitvely.
Paper format: Royal folio.
Edited by Theodorus Lelius.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 40 x 27.5 cm.
PML copy missing 4 leaves: V4, a1, and x7-8 (blanks); bound in signature order, i.e. quire V is bound after T, and part II previously bound first (based on staining to leaf a2 and fore-edge manuscript title.

19th/20th century English full brown goatskin over heavy paper boards (41 x 29.5 cm), sewn on 5 supports. Plain paper pastedowns and endleaves; decorative endbands.

Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: Contemporary marginal notations, in an Italian hand, in both tabula only (quires T-V). Manuscript title on fore-edge.

Michele Cavaleri (b. 1813?), Museo Cavaleri stamp (leaf a2r); J.P. Morgan, Jr. (1867-1943), purchased from Wilfred Voynich, May 1922.