Title and imprint from half-title page (Goff state A or GW state 2): Herbarius. Maguntie impressus. Anno [etc]. lxxxiiij. [Printer's mark, sometimes printed in red]
Printed in Schoeffer's types 1:286G, 5:118G, 6:92G, and 7:149G.
[1⁴; 2-21⁸ 22¹⁰]: 174 leaves, leaf [1]/1 blank in some states.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
State A distinguished by title, date and device on first leaf. A.i has figs 42 and 48 exchanged and fig. 75 numbered '73'. A.ii has figs 42 and 48 exchanged but fig. 75 correctly numbered. State B with first leaf blank. B.i has figs 42 and 48 correctly placed and fig. 75 numbered '73'. B.ii has figs 42 and 48 exchanged but fig. 75 correctly numbered (Goff). For further variants see CIBN.
GW identifies 2 states: 1) without title page and 2) with title page; state 2 is divided into three issues: 1) title page printed in black, 2) title page printed in red, and 3) title page printed in black and red.
150 woodcuts.
PML copy is Goff state B.i (first leaf blank); GW state 1. Even though the Morgan copy is missing the first leaf, the placement and numeration of the figures follows Goff state B.i.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 18.6 x 14 cm, trimmed.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [1]/1 (half-title page or blank).
Herbarius latinus (with German synonyms)
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, blue initial (leaf [1]/2r); woodcuts hand colored. Annotations: Extensive marginal notations throughout, including alternative plant names and keywords for text.