Speculum aureum decem praeceptorum Dei.

Accession number: 
PML 19536
Herp, Hendrik, approximately 1400-1477.
Mainz : Peter Schoeffer, 10 September 1474.
[408] leaves ; 35 cm. (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1912.

Title and imprint from colophon ([44]/7r): "Speculi aurei decem p[re]ceptor[um] dei fratris Henrici herp ordinis minor[um] de observa[n]tia opus preclarum in nobili urbe Magu[n]cia ... p[er] honorabile[m] viru[m] Petrum schoyffer de Gernsheym feliciter est consu[m]matu[m] Anno dominice incarnacio[n]is Millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo quarto. mensis septembris Idus quarto."
Printed in Schoeffer's types 3:91G and 6:92G.
Collation: [1¹² 2-10¹⁰ 11⁸ 12⁴; 13-16¹⁰ 17⁴; 18-21¹⁰ 22⁶⁽⁵⁺¹⁾; 23-26¹⁰ 27⁶; 28-36¹⁰ 37⁶ 38⁴⁽³⁺¹⁾ 39-42¹⁰ 43-44⁸]: 408 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [44]/8 blank.
Variant collation, cf. BMC I 30 and Polain 1864.
Paper format: Median folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 33.8 x 24 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: [1]/1 and [44]/8 (blanks). Some staining around edges; a few wormholes.

18th-19th-century half calf with some blind-rolled decoration on corners and back over stiff paper boards covered in marbled paper (35 x 26 cm). Marbled paper pastedown and first fly leaves. Edges worn and spine partially detached.

Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining; flourishing of initial on leaf [2]/1r has faded/been washed away. Some lombards have interior white decoration. Annotations: Two sets of manuscript alpha-numerical signatures in the bottom right corner, some slightly trimmed, and the quires are numbered in the bottom center margin on the first rectos.

Ellis, 16 May 1867, purchase inscription with price abraded (second fly leaf recto); Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased from Giuseppe Martini, Oct. 1912.