Title from half-title page (leaf [1]/1r): Rethorica Divina de Oratione domini Guilermi Parisien[sis].
Colophon (leaf i6r): Explicit Rethorica divina de oratione domini Guilermi pariensis.
Printed in types 1:180G and 2:83G.
Collation: [1]⁸; a-b⁶ c⁴ d-f⁶ g⁴ h-i⁶: 58 leaves. Quire [1] signed 2-5.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Shares a common paper-stock with Ephrem Syrus, Sermones, Goff E-44, and therefore to be dated accordingly (Sack(Freiburg))
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.5 x 19.7 cm.
Hand decoration: Rubricated, alternating red and blue lombards and paragraph marks (C-shaped with extended lines), red underlining and capital strokes. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.