Title from caption to the prologue, leaf a1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf q2r, which reads in full: "Finito ellibro della christiana religione colle nuoue additioni e agiunta conpilate e agiunte pel sopradeto famosissimo philosopo platonicho Marsilio ficino fiorentino Inpresso inpisa p[er] Ser lorenzo e Ser agnolo fiorentini delmese digiungno: adi .II. M.CCCC.LXXXIII."
Printed in Lorenzo and Angelo de Firenze's type 1:111R.
Signatures: [1]²; a-i⁸ l-o⁸ p⁶ q²: 114 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
The author's Italian version of his De Christiana religione, first printed in 1474; the Latin version, by the title of which the work is generally cited, was first printed in 1476. Bod-inc notes: "See Kristeller, Supplementum Ficinianum, I, p. lix, no. b 2, and p. lxxviii; a revised and augmented edition ... [the] additions [referred to in the colophon] do not appear in any Latin redaction of the text."
Table of contents on leaves [1]/1v-2r (1r and 2v blank).
1 column, 31 lines (172 x 104 mm). Capital spaces, with printed guide letters.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27 x 18.7 cm.
PML copy with leaf q1 bound before p1.
Della christiana religione
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.