Title from incipit (leaf [2]/1r): Incipit Eutropi[us] historiographus: & post eum Paulus diacon[us]: de historiis italice provincie ac Romanorum.
Colophon ([11]/6v): Eutropius historiographus Rome impressus Anno d[omi]ni .M.cccc.lxxi. die lune .xx. Mensis Mai Ponti. S. in [Christ]o p[at]ris ac d[omi]ni nostri dom[in]i Pauli divina p[ro]videntia Pape Secundi. Anno eius Septimo Explicit.
Printed in type 2:111R.
Collation: [1⁸; 2-10¹⁰ 11⁶]: 104 leaves.
Paper format: Royal quarto
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.6 x 19 cm.
PML copy with tabula (quire [1]) bound last.
De historiis italice provincie ac Romanorum
Hand decoration: Illuminated white vine initials, with minor gilt initials on red and blue ground or alternating plain red and blue, and alternating red and blue paragraph marks. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.