Title from incipit (leaf [1]/2r): [E]USEBIUM Pamphili de evangelica praep[ar]atione latinu[m] ex graeco beatissime pater iussu tuo effeci.
Colophon (leaf [15]/8v): .M.CCCC.LXXIII. .Leonardus Aurl.
Printed in type 1:116R.
Collation: [1¹² 2-14¹⁰ 15⁸]: 150 leaves, leaf [1]/1 blank.
Paper format: Median folio
Translated by Georgius Trapezuntius.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30.2 x 21 cm, trimmed.
PML copy wants 1 leaf: [1]/1 (blank).
Hand decoration: Rubricated, major initials in red and blue with penwork decoration, red lombards and capital strokes. Annotations: A few early marginal notations on the first few leaves only. Contemporary manuscript alpha-numeric quire signatures, mostly trimmed.