Title from incipit (leaf a2r): Preclarissimus liber elementorum Euclidis perspicacissimi: in artem Geometrie incipi qua[m]foelicissime:.
Colophon (leaf r7v): Opus elementoru[m] euclidis megarensis in geometria[m] arte[m] In id quoq[ue] Campani p[re]spicacissimi Co[m]mentationes finiu[n]t. Erhardus ratdolt Augustensis impressor solertissimus. venetiis impressit. Anno salutis .M.cccc.lxxxii. Octavis. Calen[das]. Jun[ii].
Printed in types 1:109R, 3:91G, 4:56G, 6:76G, and 7:92G.
Collation: a¹⁰ b-r⁸: 138 leaves, leaf r8 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Incipit (leaf a2r) printed in red.
At least seven copies have the dedication printed in gold in a variant typesetting (BL, C.2.c.1; Paris BN (2, 1 on vellum, 1 on paper); Munich BSB (2); Budapest Univ; Augsburg SStB). Copies are known with leaves 2-9 in variant typesetting (see GW Anm. 2). For stop-press variants see C. Bühler in Gb Jb 1966, pp.102-104.
Euclides is the author of the first 13 books, Hypsicles of the 14th while the 15th belongs to the school of Isidorus Milesius (Hillard).
Woodcut border to first page, and initials; geometrical designs on margins, done from metal dies.
Translated by Adelardus Bathoniensis. Edited by Johannes Campanus. With dedicatory letter by Erhard Ratdolt to Giovanni Mocenigo.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 31 x 21 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: r8 (blank).
Elementa geometriae
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: Contemporary notations on leaves a1-2 and b5r, in a German(?) hand.