Title from incipit (leaf a2r): Hyr hefft sick an der sassen spegel meth der glosen.
Colophon (leaf D6v): Explicit der sassen spegel den de erwerdige in god vader un[d] here Theodericus va[n] bockstorpe bysschop to Nuenborch seliger gecorrigeret heft. Gedruckt to Stendal dorch Joachim westfael in deme .lxxxviii. iare.
Printed in type 1:94G, with xylographic headlines.
Collation: a⁸ b-c⁶ d⁸ e-g⁶ h⁸; i⁸ k-p⁶/⁸; A-F⁸/⁶ G-H⁶ I-K⁸ L⁴ M⁶; 2A-D⁸/⁶; 2a⁸: 220 leaves, leaf a1 blank (in PML copy).
Paper format: Chancery folio
1 woodcut of bishop, pope, emperor, and prince on leaf a2r.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 31.2 x 21.4 cm.
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards, paragraph marks, underlining, and capital strokes. Annotations: Notations throughout by Yeger and others.