Title from caption, leaf [1]/1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf : Prelucidu[m] hoc opus speculi iudicialis. iuris interp[re]tis optimi. M[a]g[ist]ri Guillermi Duranti. ... [con]su[m]matu est [et] p[er]fectu. in celebri Arge[n]tino[rum] vrbe factorib[us] leorio husner ciue inibi. et lohane Bekenhub clerico Mogu[n]tino. Anno D[omi]ni .M.CCCC.LXXIII. mensis noue[m]bris die .xxij.
Printed in Husner's type 1:102G.
In four parts.
Collation, part I: [1¹² 2⁸ 3¹⁰ 4⁸ 5-7¹⁰ 8⁸(7+1: "et quasi per"); 9⁸ 10¹⁰(+1); 11¹⁰ 12⁶ 13-14¹⁰], 132 leaves, leaf [1]/1 blank; part II: [1-11¹⁰ 12⁸ 13¹⁰ 14-15⁸ 16¹⁰ 17⁸ 18¹⁰ 19-20⁸]: 188 leaves; part III: [1-2¹⁰]: 20 leaves, leaf [2]/10 blank; part IV: [1-10¹⁰ 11⁸ 12-14¹⁰ 15¹²]: 150 leaves, leaves [15]/11-12 blank.
Paper format: Royal folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 40.7 x 29.5 cm.
PML copy missing 5 leaves: part I, leaf [1]/1 (blank), part III, leaf [2]/10 (blank), and part IV, leaves [15]/10-12 (leaf 10, colophon, leaves 11-12 blank).
Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials (primary initial part I, leaf [1]/2r with pink penwork decoration), paragraph marks and capital strokes, with L-brackets around headlines. Annotations: Minimal early notations sporadically throughout text; manuscript headlines mostly trimmed. Part I, leaf [9]/3r slip with manuscript notes bound in. Modern blank leaf at end with partial citation from colophon.