Chancery quarto (20.8 x 13.2 cm)
Collation: a-m⁶: 72 leaves, leaf m6 blank.
Colophon (leaf m5v): Finiu[n]t exe[m]pla de gaudiis regui celor[um] Et alior[um] trium novissimor[um]. Imp[re]ssa Dana[n]trie In platea episcopi. Anno d[omi]ni M.cccc.lxxxix.
Dated by Kok, Woodcuts in Incunabula, I:492-93 as between 23 May and 10 Nov. 1489 based on damage to device.
Pellechet describes a variant title.
PML copy wants half-title page (leaf a1).
Printed in Pafraet's types 3:98G and 4*:88G.
The text is ascribed to Dionysius Carthusiensis and to Gerardus de Vliederhoven.
Title from half-title page (leaf a1r): Quatuor novissima cu[m] multis exemplis pulcherrimis [device B].
Hand decoration: Rubricated, alternating red and green lombards with opposing penwork decoration, red paragraph marks, underlining, and capital strokes (all works in volume rubricated the same). Annotations: Contemporary Latin notations (leaf a2r) with a few further notations and nota bene marks throughout.