
Accession number: 
PML 325
Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Venice : Filippo di Pietro, 8 May 1480.
[90] leaves ; 29.5 x 20 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased with the Bennett collection, 1902. NNP

Title from incipit (leaf A2r): MARCI TULLII CICERONIS ARPINATIS CONSULISq[ue] Romanii: Ac Oratorum Maximi: Ad. M. Tullium Ciceronem Filium Suum Officiorum Liber Primus.
Colophon (leaf M6r): MARCI Tullii ciceronis de Officiis: Paradoxa: de Amicitia: de Senectute: de Somno Scipionis: necno[n] Essentia mu[n]di. ac .xii. Sapie[n]tu[m] Epithaphiis libri finiu[n]t. qui peroptime eme[n]dati impressi sunt Veneciis ductu & expensis per philippum quondam petri veneti anno ab i[n]carnatione. d .M.cccc.lxxx. die viii maii. Inclito venatorum duce. Johanne mozenico imperio.
Printed in type 2:113R and with a Greek type.
Collation: A¹⁰ B-F⁸ G⁶ H-I⁸ k-M⁶: 90 leaves, leaf A1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.4 x 19 cm.

18th-19th-century English calf over paper boards (29.5 x 20 cm), sewn on 5 supports; rebacked. Plain paper pastedowns and fly leaves; decorative endbands; sprinkled edges.

Hand decoration: Gilt initials with pen and ink white vine decoration (unpainted), red lombards and paragraph marks (alternating with unrealized initials--blue never completed). Annotations: No marginal notations in text.

Shelf mark, unidentified: Y. 3. 12 (front fly leaf recto); Earls of Hopetoun, armorial bookplate with shelf mark: T.7 (front pastedown), collection inherited and sold by John Adrian Louis Hope, 7th earl of Hopetoun (1860-1908); Hopetoun House sale, Sotheby's, 25 Feb. 1889, lot 524; William Morris (1834-1896), Kelmscott House, Hammersmith, booklabel (front pastedown); Richard Bennett (1849-1930), armorial bookplate (rear pastedown) and price code: w/-/- +___ (front pastedown); Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased with the Bennett collection, 1902.