Title from ISTC.
Title to part 2: The descrypcyon of Englonde (leaf ²A1r).
Colophon, part 1, leaf I4r: Here endyth this present cronycle of Englonde wyth the frute of tymes: compiled in a booke / [and] also enprynted by one somtyme scole mayster of saynt Albons. on whoos soule god haue mercy / And newely in the yer[e] of our lord god .M.CCCC.lxxxxvij. enpryntid at Westmestre by Wynkyn de Worde. [Printer's mark, leaf I4v]
Colophon, part 2, leaf D6v: Fynysshed and enprynted at Westmestre by me Wynken de worde / the yere of our lorde a .M.CCCC. and foure score and .xviij.
Printed in De Worde's types 3:136G and 5:95G.
Signatures, in two parts: 1) Aa⁶; a-z [us] A-H⁶ I⁴: 202 leaves; part 2) ²A-D⁶: 24 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Woodcuts and typographic diagrams in text.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 25.8 x 18.7 cm.
PML copy missing 2 patial leaves and 4 leaves: Aa1 (mostly torn away), b6 (partially torn away), [us]1 (replaced in manuscript), and ²D1-2 and 6; quire ²C bound out of order.
Cronycle of Englonde
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Pen and ink drawing of English royal heraldic device (pasted to front endleaf 3 verso). Annotations: Contemporary manuscript annotations in several hands, primarily near beginning but sporadically throughout, including several long textual inscriptions on leaves Aa1r-v (partially torn away), Aa4v, k2v, x6v, and I4v, note on Thomas of Lancaster and Humphre de Bohun (leaf x1r), and unsigned payment: "this byll mad the xxte daye of octobre in [th]e frest ye[r]e of" (leaf ²C3v, and similar torn away on leaf Aa1r).