Title from text incipit (leaf [alpha]2r).
Imprint from GW.
Printed in Scinzenzeler's type 1:110Gk.
Signatures: [alpha]-[eta]⁸ [theta]⁴; ²[alpha]-[eta]⁸ ²[theta]-[iota]⁶; ³[alpha]-[beta]⁶ [gamma]⁸: 148 leaves, leaf [theta]4 blank. Leaf ³[gamma]4 signed '[gamma]iii'.
Paper format: Chancery folio and Royal quarto.
Initial spaces, most with guide-letters.
On leaf ¹[eta]7r, the final 16 lines consist of bearer type mistakenly inked during printing.
In the Houghton Library copy, as in the British Library copies, the first 6 quires are largely printed in folio format on sheets of "chancery"--Size paper; the remainder are printed in quarto format on sheets of "royal"-size paper.
Errata: leaves [alpha]1r-v, ²[iota]5v-6v.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.5 x 19.4 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [alpha]1.
Erōtēmata synoptika tōn oktō tou logou merōn
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: Contemporary marginal annotations in Greek in Gregorius, Dialektōn only. Manuscript fore-edge title and Latin alphabetic quire signatures.