Title from caption, leaf [1]/3r, printed in red.
Imprint from colophon, printed in red, leaf [11]/8v: Et sic finitur perpulcher tractatus [con]tinens vita[m] mores: ac elega[n]tissima phylozopho[rum] dca: simul et gesta. Per me Arnoldu[m] ter horne[n] Anno d[omi]ni .1472. [printer's mark]
Printed in Ther Hoernen's type 1:100G.
Library's copy listed under Division A in Checklist.
Collation: [1-11⁸; 12¹⁰]: 98 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 21.1 x 14.2 cm.
De vita philosophorum
Hand decoration: Rubrication largely unrealized, a few contemporary initials in red; marginal ruling lines added to leaves [1]/1r-3r and black/gold initial on 3r are likely later additions. Annotations: A few manicules and 'nota bene' marks throughout text. Contemporary manuscript foliation on leaves [1]/3-[11]/8.