Title from ISTC.
Imprint from colophon, leaf s7v: Des sainctes peregrinations de iherusalem et des auirons [et] des lieux prochains. Du mont de synay [et] le glorieuse lratherine [i.e. katherine]: Cest ouvraige et petit livre contena[n]t du tout la description ainsi que dieu a voulu le do[n]ner a co[n]gnoistre. Imprime a Lyon par ho[n]nestes ho[m]mes Michelet topie de pymont: [et] Jaques heremberclr [i.e. heremberck] dalemaigne demourant audit lyon. La[n] de nostreseigne[ur] Mille.cccc.quattrevi[n]gtz [et] huictz et le .xxviii. de nove[m]bre.
Printer's mark, leaf s8v.
Printed in Topié and Heremberck's types 1:136G and 2:100/101G.
Signatures: a⁸ b⁶⁺²⁺²⁺²⁺²⁺²⁺²⁺²⁺² c⁶⁺²⁺²⁺²⁺² d-h I k-m⁸ n⁶ o⁸ p⁶ q⁶⁺²⁺²⁺² r⁶ s¹⁰: 164 leaves, leaves a1 and s9-10 blank.
Fold-out topographic views are: Venice, leaf b4+2 (4 sheets total fold-out); Parens (bound in after Venice), leaf b4+; Corfun (bound in after Parens), leaf b4+2; Modon, leaf b6+2 (2 sheets total fold-out); Candia, leaf c1+2; Rhodes, leaf c2+2; the Holy Land panorama, leaf q4+2 (4 sheets total fold-out).
Paper format: Chancery folio.
A free adaptation by Nicolas Le Huen.
Copper engravings and map; woodcuts and woodcut initials.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 29.5 x 20.3 cm.
PML copy missing 3 leaves: a1 and s9-10 (all blanks). Fold-out views have been repaired and remargined.
Checklist title: Peregrinationes in terram sanctam
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.