Collation: Vol. I: [1]⁸ 2-4⁶ a-b⁸ c-f⁶·⁸ g⁶ n-z A-M⁶·⁸ N-Q⁶ R⁸ S⁶ T⁸ U⁶ X⁸ Y⁶ Z⁸ AA-EE⁶·⁸: 380 leaves, leaf EE8 blank, with mistakes in printed foliation. -- Vol. II: A⁸ B-C⁶ aa-qq⁸·⁶ rr-tt⁶ vv-zz AA-PP⁸·⁶ QQ-SS⁶ TT⁸ UU⁶ XX⁸ YY⁶ ZZ⁸ Aaa-Eee⁶: 370 leaves, leaf Eee 6 blank, with mistakes in printed foliation.
Imprint from colophon (Vol. I, EE7v): "Finiu[n]t tractat[us] q[uem]plurimi sancti Bonaventure de volumine p[ri]me partis. Impressi Argentine. Anno domini. M.cccc.xcv."
In two parts, dated: I) 1495; II) 18 Dec. 1495.
On authorship and textual ascriptions, see Bod-inc.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28-29 x 19.8-20.6 cm
PML copy missing 32 leaves: vol. II, leaves hh5-mm1, Eee1, and Eee6 (blank).
PML copy, Vol. II (PML 18405) with forged inscription of Martin Luther by Hermann Kyrileis, see Max Hermann, Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (Berlin, 1905) and departmental file.
Printed in types 1:160G, 4:80G mixed with 5:80G of the eponymous Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg, now identified as Georg Husner.
Vol. I (PML 63245): Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards (with sweeping, calligraphic extensions) and paragraph marks.