Title from half-title page, leaf l/1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf k4v: Aqui feneçe el libro de consolaçion de Beoçio/ el qual fui inpresso en Tolosa de françia/ por maestro Enrique mayer aliman/ e acabose a quatro dias del mes del Julio. Año del nasçiminto de n[ost]ro señor ih[es]u [christ]o/ de Mill/ e quatroçientos/ et ochenta/ e aocho años.
Printed in Mayer's types 3:71G (in woodcut), 4:135G, and 5:116G.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Signatures: 1⁸ a-h⁸ i-k⁶: 84 leaves, leaf k6 blank. GW records variant (or incorrect) signatures and foliation: 1⁸ a-h⁸ i⁶ k⁴: 82 leaves; Gez. [19] iii-lxxiiij.
Translated from the Catalan version of Antonio Ginebreda.
1 woodcut, leaf a1v.
Capital spaces with printed guide letters.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.4 x 20.2 cm.
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Pen trials, including inscriptions: "in medio omnis terre," "in medio orbis terrarum," and "boecio de co[n]ssolac[i]ao" (front pastedown and front endleaf 1 recto) and "Do[m] manuell p[er] graca de d[eos] Rey de portugal," Manuel I was King of Portugal 1495-1521 (rear pastedown).