Title from incipit, leaf a1r.
Place of printing from ISTC.
On the date, see BMC and CIBN (dated about 1475-80 from the types in CIBN). The Glasgow copy has an owner's date of 15 July 1480. GW dated about 1480-85.
Printed in type 1B:100R (BMC), 1:103/104R (GW).
Signatures: a¹⁰ b-i⁸ k⁶: 80 leaves.
Paper format: Royal quarto in half-sheets.
Recorded in ISTC and GW as folio.
Watermark is similar to Briquet 6600, dated 1480-1487 (Milan, Cremona, and Pavia).
1 column, 35 lines. Capital spaces, with printed guide letters.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.7 x 19.6 cm.
La Fiammetta
Hand decoration: Rubricated, contemporary blue lombards. Illuminated armorial of Vernaccia added in 19th century (front fly leaf verso) and probably initial (leaf a1r). Annotations: No marginal notations in text.