Decamerone o ver cento novelle del Boccaccio.

Accession number: 
PML 353
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375.
Venetia : per Giova[n]ni & Gregorio de Gregorii, MCCCC.Lxxxxii. ad di .xx. de Giugno [20 June 1492].
[7] 2-137 [1] leaves : illustrated (woodcuts) ; 33 cm. (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased with the Bennett collection, 1902.

Title from leaf [1]/1r.
Colophon (leaf z3r): Finisce lo elegantissimo Decamerone: cio e le cento novelle detto: dello excellentissimo poeta Giova[n]ni Bocchaccio da certaldo. Impresso i[n] Venetia per Giova[n]ni & Gregorio de gregorii fratelli. Impera[n]te Augustino Barbarigo felicissimo principe: nellanno della humana recuperatione. MCCCC.Lxxxxii. ad di .xx. de Giugno.
Printed in type 23:82R.
Collation: [1]⁶; a⁸ b-y⁶z⁴: 144 leaves, leaves [1]/6 and z4 blank.
Paper format: Super-chancery folio
Hieronymus Squarzaficus, Vita di Boccaccio, leaves [1]/5r-v.
113 woodcuts.
Printed guide letters.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 32.3 x 21.5 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: [1]/6 and z4 (blanks).

Modern gilt-filleted full blue goatskin over boards (33 x 22 cm.), sewn on 3 supports by Charlotte Ullman, 1966. Plain paper pastedowns and fly leaves; decorative endbands; gilt edges.

Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.

[Morgand, 1885 -- note by Belle Greene in Bennett catalogue;] Richard Bennett (1849-1930), armorial bookplate (front pastedown) [copied from previous endleaves: purchase date 5/5/96 and price code: rom/-/- (front fly leaf verso)]; J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased with the Bennett collection, 1902.