Incipit prologus Iohannis Bocacij, in librum de claris mulieribus.

Accession number: 
PML 632
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375.
Impressum Louanij : per me Egidium vander Heerstraten, .M.cccc.lxxxvij [1487].
[70] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 28 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased with the Bennett collection, 1902.

Title from prologue caption, leaf A2v.
Imprint from colophon, leaf L3r: Explicit compendium Iohannis Boccacij de Certaldo: quod de preclaris mulieribus ac famam perpetuam edidit feliciter. Impressum Louanij per me Egidium vander heerstraten. Anno d[omin]i .M.cccc.lxxxvij.
Printed in Vander Heerstraten's type 2:94G.
Signatures: A-B⁸ C-L⁶: 70 leaves, leaves A1 and L6 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 26.9 x 19 cm.
PML copy missing 5 leaves: D2, F5, H3, K2 and L6 (blank). Leaf K6 torn at middle.

18th/19th-century full brown calf over paper boards (28 x 20 cm), sewn on 5 supports; repaired by Duprez Lahey. Plain paper pastedowns and endleaves; decorative endbands; sprinkled edges.
Variant Title: 

De claris mulieribus


Hand decoration: Contemporary Low Countries rubrication, red and blue initials and paragraph marks and red underlining; primary initials with red penwork decoration and wash. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.

Unidentified English sale catalogue description, no. 811, citing only leaves H3 and K2 missing; Richard Bennett (1849-1930), armorial bookplate (front endleaf 1 recto) and bibliographical notes: No. 254, 27/2/97 and price code: wa/wm/- +com (front pastedown); Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased with the Bennett collection, 1902.