Title from incipit of the main text, leaf [1]/2v.
Issued without imprint or date, here given as a synthesis of the first two inferred imprints in ISTC, the first, naming only Michaelibus, dated "about 1473", and the second, also naming the Butzbachs, dated 1472. ISTC presents a third imprint, "Brescia : Printer for Pietro Villa", noting, "For arguments for ascribing the book to Mantua see BMC; CIBN attributes to Georgius de Augusta and Paulus de Butzbach for or with Petrus Adam de Michaelibus [as does BM]; Proctor and GW ascribe the book to Brescia."
"The first edition, catalogued by Proctor as the work of the Printer for Petrus Villa at Brescia (no. 6492). All the connexions of the Roma triumphans, however, are with Mantua ... Moreover, the watermarks of the present edition (crown, dragon) recur in the undoubtedly Mantuan books of 1472 here catalogued."--British Museum catalogue, VII, 928. On page 927 it is noted that "De Michaelibus had apparently abandonded printing by February, 1473." For the Butzbachs as Michaelibus' printers, see page xlv in the introduction to v. 7.
It appears from the document quoted by D. Fattori, La Bibliofilia 97 (1995), pp.3 & 17 that P. de Butzbach's partner, traditionally called Georgius de Butzbach, was not in fact his brother but one 'magister Georgius filius quondam Gerardi de Augusta de Elemenea'.
Printed in type 1:106R assigned to Augusta and Butzbach.
Collation: [1-2¹⁰ 3-11⁸ 12⁶ 13-14⁸ 15⁶ 16-22⁸ 23⁴]: 180 leaves.
Paper format: Median folio
1 column of 41 lines, 218 x 128 mm. Capital space, without guide-letter, at the beginning of each book.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 31.2 x 21.6 cm.
Blondi Flavii Forliviensis Trivmphantis Romae liber primvs incipit
Hand decoration: Contemporary Italian blue/red intiails with red/green filigree penwork. Annnotations: Contemporary marginal notations in a humanist hand, predominantly on first few leaves.