[Biblia latina].

Accession number: 
PML 16872-75
Uniform title: 
Bible. Latin. 1481.
Venetiis : [Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt for] Johannis de colonia, Nicolai jenson: sociorumq[ue], anno milesimo quodrigingentesimo octuagessimo primo pridie calendas sextiles [31 July 1481].
[1571] leaves ; 34 cm. (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1910.

Title from ISTC.
Incipit of Lyra's commentary (leaf a2r): Prologus primus Venerabili[s] fratri[s] Nicolai de lyra ordinis seraphyci Fra[n]cisci: in tetamentu[m] vet[us] de co[m]me[n]datione sacre scripture in generali incipit.
Colophon (leaf 14/6r): Exactum est venetiis insigne hoc: ac inusitatum opus biblie una cum postilis venerandi viri oridinis minorum fratris Nicolai de lyra: cu[m]q[ue] additionibus per venerabile[m] episcopu[m] Paulum burgensem editis: ac replicis magistri Matthie dorinck eiusdem ordinis minoru[m] fratris [et] theologi optimi: charactere vero i[m]pressum habes iucundissimo: impensaq[ue]: curaq[ue] singulari: optimorum Johannis de colonia Nicolai jenson: sociorumq[ue]: Olympiadibus dominicis: anno milesimo quodrigingentesimo octuagessimo primo pridie calendas sextiles.
Printed in types 4:93G (mixed with 3:93G), 5:150G, 6:74G, and 7:78G.
Collation: a¹⁰ b¹²; c-h¹⁰ i-k⁸ l-p¹⁰ q¹²; r-v u-z [et] [con]¹⁰; [rum]¹⁰ [tur]¹²; A-B¹⁰; C⁴ D-N¹⁰ O¹²; P¹⁰(+2*: Cogu[n]t coadunant) Q-S¹⁰ T⁶; U-Z aA¹⁰ bB⁸; cC¹⁰ dD⁸ eE-gG¹⁰; aa-oo¹⁰ pp-qq⁸; rr-vv uu-zz [et][et] [con][con]¹⁰ [rum][rum]⁸; AA-GG¹⁰ HH¹²; II-MM¹⁰ NN¹²; OO⁸; PP-XX¹⁰ YY-ZZ AAA-BBB⁸ CCC¹² DDD-EEE¹⁰ FFF-HHH⁸ III¹⁰; Aa-Dd¹⁰; Ee-Pp¹⁰ Qq⁸; Rr-Vv¹⁰ Xx⁸ Yy⁶; Zz Aaa-Ccc¹⁰ Ddd¹² Eee¹⁰ Fff⁸; 1-4¹⁰ 5¹²; 6-12¹⁰ 13-14⁸; [15]⁶: 1571 leaves, leaves qq8, Dd10 and Ee1 blank. In quire P, leaves 2 and 2* are an inserted bifolium, leaf 9 is a singleton.
Olivar notes variants from GW.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Publisher's device printed in red after Registrum charta[rum] (leaf 14/8r).
Initial spaces, some with printed guide letters. Spaces left for figures, leaves q12r and UU7r.
PML copy leaf dimensions, vols. 1-3: 31.5 x 22 cm., with some deckle edges; vol. 4: 32.1 x 22.1 cm.

Vols. 1-3: 15th-century Italian (probably Venice) blind-tooled goatskin over wooden boards (33.5 x 23 cm.), sewn on 4 supports, possibly by the Rosettenmeister. Manuscript pastedown (vol. 2, front, only extant: 14th/early 15th-century Italian liturgical manuscript); plain endbands; yellow edges. Brass corner and center pieces, some missing. 4 clasps per volume, missing, with trapezoidal catch plates only. Manuscript title label on rear board--only vol. I preserved--with former frame/horn covering now missing.

Vols. 1-3: Hand decoration: Illuminated, foliate borders and historiated initials by the so-called Master of the Pico Pliny (leaves a2r, a3v, a4r, c1r, P1r, P2v, AA1r, and AA2r); minor initials unrealized. Annotations: Manuscript volume numerals on fore- and bottom edges. No marginal notations in text.
Vol. 4: Hand decoration: Rubricated, major lombards in blue with filigree penwork, red minor lombards, paragraph marks and L-brackets. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.

Vols. 1-3: Unidentified armorial: arm holding a laurel wreath (leaf c1r, P2v, and AA2r); Egidio Delfini (d. 1506), OFM Conventuals, Assisi, inscription: "Olim ad usum magistri Egidii Delphini Amerini" (leaf a2r, P1r, and AA1r); Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased from Giuseppe Martini, Aug. 1910.