Title from later title page, leaf [1]/1r.
Imprint from ISTC.
Colophon (from second issue), leaf f10r: Impresso in Firenze per Nicolo Todescho & emendato con soma dili gentia dallo auctore.
With the author's dedication to Federigo, duke of Urbino, who died 10 September 1482 (CIBN).
PML Checklist dated [not after 1480]. NNPM
Printed in Laurentii's type 4:114R.
In two issues, the second of which has an added bifolium with red-printed title page and tabula (quire [1]²) and final leaf with a register and a colophon, apparently in 16th-century types (Goff). Although in PML copy, leaf f10 is conjoint with leaf f1 and on same cardinal's hat paper found in rest of volume.
Sigantures: [1]²; aa¹⁰ bb-dd⁸ ee⁶ ff-gg⁸ hh⁶ ii⁴; a⁶ b¹⁰ c-d⁸; [2]⁴; e⁸; [3]⁴; f¹⁰; [4-34]²: 126, leaves ii4 and [3]/4 blank.
Paper format: Royal folio.
Maps copied from Ptolemy, Rome, 1478 ed., with the addition of four "modern" maps (of Spain, France, Italy and Palestine), here found for the first time.
An adaptation in terza rima of Ptolemy's Geographia with additions by Marsilius Ficinus (Goff).
PML copy is second issue. NNPM
PML copy leaf dimensions: 41.8 x 29 cm. NNPM
Checklist title: Geografia NNPM
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized; illuminated initials likely added in 19th-century along with Manzoni armorial (leaf aa2r). Annotations: 2 manicules in margins (rather large and detailed). NNPM