Title and date from explicit, leaf b6v: Finit theologa responsio de indulge[n]tiis quam magnam ordinariam vocant. facta in celeberrimo fratrum minoru[m] gignasio per theologum baccalariu[m] formatum ioha[n]ne[m] benard. Anno d[omi]ni Millesimoquadringentesimooctavagesimotercio. In me[n]se martio ante pascha.
Printer assignment from CIBN. PML Checklist had assigned [Poitiers : Jean Bouyer, not before Mar. 1483]
Printed in type 1:103/104G assigned to the Printer of the "Breviarium Rothomagense" (GW 5437).
Signatures: a⁸ b⁶: 14 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 20.3 x 15 cm.
Responsio de indulgentiis quam magnam ordinariam vocant
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Leaf a2r with a printing fault: leaf was folded during printing so that bottom right corner of text is printed offset from main text block, with ink smudges in margin. Leaves b3-4 trimmed at bottom edge.