Title and imprint from colophon, leaf x5v: Lectura eximij docotris domini Bartoli de saxoferrato super secu[n]da inforciati per optime emendata: ac per Andrea[m] de Toresanis de Asula Uenetijs i[m]pressa feliciter explicit: Anno salutis [christ]iane .M.cccc.lxxxvij. die v[er]o .v. decembris.
Printed in Torresanus's types 4:150G (mixed with 11:180G) and 9:93G.
Signatures. a-u⁸ x⁶: 166 leaves, leaves a1 and x6 blank.
Paper format: Super-median folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 42 x 27.5 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: x6 (blank).
Super secunda inforciati
Hand decoration: Contemporary Low Countries rubrication (same in both parts), alternating red and blue lombards, running headlines with book number; primary initial with penwork decoration (leaf a2r). Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Manuscript title inscription, leaf a1r.