Title from incipit, in Latin and German (leaf [1]/3r): Sequitur expositio misse multu[m] utilis pro regentibus curam animaru[m] clericis simplicibus necnon et laÿcis qui se informare possunt ex eadem salutifera expositione/ ut patet in processu. Hÿenach volget gar ein lobliche heÿlsame auβlegung der heÿligen messe gar gůt und fruchtber geÿstlichen un[d] weltlichen menschen zůlesen...
Colophon (leaf [13]/10r): Hÿe enndet sich das loblich heÿlsam bůch das man nennet die auβlegung des amptes der heÿligen messe... Gedruckt zů Augspurg. Und vollendet an Freÿtag vor sant Luceÿen tag Anno domini .M.cccc.lxxxiiii. Jare.
Printed in Bämler's types 1:140G and 3:119G.
Collation: [1-12⁸ 13¹⁰]: 106 leaves, leaf [1]/1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
For variants see CIBN.
Incipit and note on Transubstantiation (leaf [10]/4r) printed in red.
2 full-page woodcuts (leaves [1]/2v of Visitation and [9]/3v of Crucifixion) and printed initials.
PML copy with 14-line Transubstantiation text, see CIBN A-792, variant.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27 x 19 cm.
Auslegung der heiligen Messe
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red capital strokes and L-brackets, printed initials highlighted in red. Woodcuts and decorative printed initials hand colored (in printer's shop(?)--coloring similar to BSB Munich copy). Annotations: Some notations in text by rubricator, mainly rubric for following text.