Collation: [1-4⁸ 5⁶ 6-8⁸ 9⁴ 10-11⁸ 12¹⁰]: 92 leaves, leaf [12]/10 blank.
Dated from a copy at Vienna ÖNB (Ink 25.F.53) rubricated in [14]82; formerly dated from a copy at BSB (2 Inc.s.a. 136 a) dated 1484 (followed by Goff and BMC). Copies are known in which quire [9] has only 4 leaves, and the text is consequently abbreviated (cf. GW Anm., and BMC reprint); BSB-Ink dates the variant with the reset quire to ca. 1482. Resetting related to a ban by the Archbishop of Mainz, Berthold von Henneberg, 22 March 1485.
Latin textual incipits with German explanation following.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy formerly dated to 1484 in Checklist following Goff.
PML copy has reset quire [9] and is dated ca. 1482 according to BSB-Ink.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 29.6 x 20.7 cm
Printed in Creussner's types 1:110G (Mass text) and 2:165G (German explanation).
Title from colophon (leaf [12]/9v): "Hie endt sich das buch das ma[n] nent die auβlegu[n]g des ambts der heyligen messe..."
Woodcut of the Visitation (leaf [1]/1v) (see Schramm, XVIII p. 16).
Die auβlegu[n]g des ambts der heyligen messe.
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red and blue lombards and red capital strokes (same in PML 52.1/ChL 119). Woodcuts are hand-colored in red, yellow, green, and brown. Annotations: Contemporary manuscript signatures and quire numbers, partially trimmed; unidentified German donation inscription of 40 denarii, 1491 (leaf [1]/1r); title inscription, "24 Alten" (top edge). German and English bibliographic notes on other editions (first flyleaf recto).