
Accession number: 
PML 17074.2-3
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
[Augsburg] : [Günther Zainer], [not after 1472]
[28] leaves ; 32 cm (fol.)

Title from incipit (leaf [1]/1r): Aurelii Augustini episcopi ipponensis incipit soliloquiu[m] liber p[ri]mus feliciter.
Printed in Zainer's type 2:118G.
Collation: [1-2¹⁰ 3⁸]: 28 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
The edition includes both works, the Speculum peccatoris (Goff A1337) being found on [c]4-[c]8 (ff.24-28) of the BL copy IB.5541. IB.5541A is the same setting of the Speculum printed on a separate gathering (five leaves, [a]4 with a leaf inserted after [a]3), presumably for separate issue. Often found with Goff A1089, A1225, E106, G221, H179, H192, I4 and P1001, in any combination. Some copies of the set (e.g. Windsor RL) have a separate small leaf with a collective title of the ten tracts (see BMC, reprint). The collection has H192 with rubricator's date of '72' in a private collection in USA (Roland Folter); previously dated before 5 June 1473 from the rubrication date ('1473 vigil pentec') of the Sammelband in Munich.
The two tracts are not in fact by Augustine (ISTC).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30.9 x 21 cm.
PML copy listed under Division B in Checklist.

Contemporary blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards (31.5 x 22 cm), sewn on 4 supports by the Jodocus I workshop in Augsburg (EBDB w002408). Manuscript title label on top board, partially torn away. Plain paper pastedowns and fly leaves; manuscript waste as quire guards and hinge reinforcement. Hole from former chain attachment (rear board). 2 later silver tri-lobed clasps with a face on the central portion.

Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards, paragraph marks, and capital strokes (same in entire Sammelband). Annotations: No notations in text.

Schussenreid (Baden-Württemberg), Premonstratensians, inscriptions: "FF Sorethumor[ensis]" and "Shussenried," 17th/18th century (leaf [1]/1r of Imitatio Christi); unidentified shelfmarks: 3.2.7. in ink and XXX in graphite (both on front pastedown); Thomas [???], inscription, abraded (leaf [1]/1r of Imitatione Christi); J. Pearson & Co., "Two Hundred Extraordinarily Important Books...," lot 181; Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased from Pearson, Nov. 1907 (acc. Jan. 1908).