Incipit liber sancti Augustini ad Petrum diaconem de fide

Accession number: 
PML 16784
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
Colonie impressus est : [Printer of Augustinus, 'De fide'], in vigilia sancti Iohannis Baptiste, anno domini .M.cccc. septuagesimo tercio [23 June 1473].
[36] leaves ; 22 cm (4to)
Credit Line: 
Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1910.

Sheppard (837) attributes authorship to Fulgentius, Episcopus Ruspensis.
Title from incipit caption, leaf [1]/1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf [5]/4v: Liber iste sancti Augustini de fide catholica ad Petrum diaconum. Colonie impressus est. In vigilia sa[n]cti Ioha[n]nis Baptiste. Anno domini .M.cccc.septuagesimo tercio.
Printed in the Printer of Augustinus, 'De fide' type 1:105G.
The printer has been identified with Goiswin Gops and with Johann Schilling (cf. Corsten(Anfänge) pp.44-45 and Needham, Ars impressoria, pp.126-28).
Collation: [1-4⁸ 5⁴]: 36 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
For variants see CIBN.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 21 x 14.2 cm.

Later binding of manuscript on parchment over stiff paper boards (22 x16 cm), sewn on 4 supports, perhaps remboitage with additional paper bound at end (watermark of unidentified large horse/unicorn jumping) to fill out binding. Plain paper pastedowns and endleaves.

Hand decoration: Contemporary rubrication, red initials, capital strokes, and line fillers; primary initial (leaf [1]/1r) in red, black, and gold. Same rubricator's hand in PML 19443/ChL 220. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.

Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased from Giuseppe Martini, May 1910.