De la cite de dieu.

Accession number: 
PML 343, 622
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
Imprime en la ville d'Abbevile : par Jehan du Pre et Pierre Gerard marchans libraires, [1486/1487].
[340, 330] leaves ; illustrations (woodcuts) ; 40 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased with the Bennett collection, 1902.

Title from table caption, leaf a2r: Cy commence la table du premier liure de monseigneur saint Augusti[n] de la cite de dieu qui contient xxxvi. chapitres.
First colophon, part I, leaf S6r: Cy fine ce present volume ouquel so[n]t contenus les dix premiers liures de monseigneur saint Augustin de la cite de dieu fait et imprime en la ville dabbeuille par iehan du pre et piecre [sic] gerard marchans libraires. Et fut acheue le xxiiii. iour de nouembre: Lan mil quatre cens quatre vingz et six [24 Nov. 1486].
Second colophon, part II, leaf G10r: Cy fine le second volume contena[n]t les xii. derreniers liuree de monseigneur sai[n]t Augustin de la cite de dieu. Imprime en la ville dabbeuille par iehan de pre et pierre gerard marchans libraires: Et icelluy a cheue le xii. iour dauril lan mil. quatre cens quatre vingtz [et] six auant pasques [12 April 1486].
Printed in Gérard's type 1:109G.
In two parts, dated: I) 24 Nov. 1486; II) 12 Apr. 1486/87.
Signatures, part I: a-r [curled-r] [long-s] s-y⁸ z [et] [con]⁶; A-C⁸ D⁶ E⁸ F⁶ G-H⁸ I⁶ K-L⁸ M-P⁶/⁸ Q-S⁶: 340 leaves, leaf a1 blank; part II: a-n⁸ o⁶ p-r⁸ s⁶ t-z⁸ [et]⁶ [con] ā ē ī⁸; AA-BB⁸ CC⁶ DD-FF⁸ GG¹⁰; aa-dd⁸ ee⁶ F⁸ G¹⁰: 330 leaves, leaf a1 blank. Leaf a1 (blank) unsigned, a2 signed a1, etc.
Paper format: Royal folio.
Commentary and translation by Raoul de Preslles.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 38.4 x 27 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: part I, a1 and part II, a1 (blanks).

18th-century French gold-tooled red morocco over paper boards (40 x 29 cm), sewn on 6 supports. Marbled paper pastedowns and endleaves, with plain paper endleaves; decorative endbands; gilt edges.

Hand decoration: Contemporary French rubrication, alternating red and blue initials and paragraph marks, with yellow capital infill; primary initials at first book of each volume illuminated with empty armorial shield incorporated into letter. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.

Brussels (Belgium), Hermits of St. Augustine, inscription: "Conventu Eremit[arum]. S. Au[gu]stini Bruxellae. 1610" (part I, leaf a2r and part II, leaf a"1"r); John Hayford Thorold (1773-1831), monogram booklabel and Syston Park armorial bookplate (front pastedowns), purchase inscription: Payne & Foss, 1829 (vol. I, front endleaf 2 recto), his sale, Sotheby's, 12 Dec. 1884, lot 197 (with 1884 collation notes, vol. I, rear endleaf 2 recto); William Morris (1834-1896), Kelmscott House, Hammersmith, booklabel (front pastedowns) and bibliographic notes by Sydney Cockerell, laid-in (vol. II, front pastedown), entire library purchased in August 1896 by: Richard Bennett (1849-1930), armorial bookplates (rear pastedown) and price code: wmm/-/- +___ (both vols., front endleaf 1 verso), entire library purchased in 1902 by: Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), purchased with the Bennett collection, 1902.