Title from incipit (leaf [1]/2r).
Colophon (leaf [10]/5r): Finitus est liber seu tractatus beati Augustini episcopi Yponensis de co[n]tric[i]one cordis cu[m] ceteris tractatulis eiusdem. Anno ab incarnac[i]o[n]e d[omi]nica Millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimos[e]c[un]do q[ui]nto Idus Noue[m]bris.
Printed in type 1*:106R attributed to anonymous printer in Lauingen.
Collation: [1⁸ 2¹⁰ 3-4⁸ 5-6⁶ 7-9⁸ 10⁶]: 76 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [10]/6 blank.
Paper format: Chancery quarto (in half-sheets).
Blind bearer type on leaves [2]/2r, [2]/10r, [3]/6v, [6]/6r, [8]/3r, [9]/3v, and [10]/5r.
A selection of spurious works attributed to Saint Augustine.
"De vita christiana has been doubtfully attributed to Pelagius or Fastidius ..."--ISTC.
De ebrietate has also been attributed to Caesarius Arelatensis and De quatuor virtutibus caritatis to Quodvultdeus; cf. Bodleian Lib. 15th cent.
"On 18a [b10] is the blind impression of at least seven lines from 61b [h7]; on 46a [f6], that of nine lines from 37b [e3]"--BM 15th cent.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 20.8 x 15.2 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: [1]/1 (blank), and with lower-third of leaf [2]/10, below explicit to De ebrietate, cut away.
Incipit liber Sancti Augustini de anima et spiritu
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards, capital strokes and underlining. Annotations: Contemporary numeric signatures. A few contemporary marginal notations in De vanitatibus seculi only.