Title and imprint from ISTC.
PML Checklist dates [1474].
Printed in Canozi's types 1:91/92G and 2:115G.
Collation: [1-10¹⁰ 11¹² 12⁴ 13-24¹⁰ 25²]: 238 leaves.
Paper format: Imperial folio.
Commentary by Averroes.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 43.5 x 27.5 cm.
Hand decoration: Contemporary northern Italian/Bologna illuminated foliate initials, alternating red and blue rubrication, running headlines (with triangular puncti), paragraph marks (C-type, many with fleur-de-lis finials), and yellow capital strokes. Leaf [1]/1r with incomplete border decoration: putti (one with incomplete armorial), frames, 2 figures in front of a temple, and urn with garland sketched in ink. Commentaries numbered in margin. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.