Title from ISTC.
Imprint from colophon, leaf [9]/10r: Nove translationi libroru[m] anime: [et] veteri ab Averoi hispano cordubensi commentate: summi philosophi Aristotelis ex Stragyra grecie oppido Nicomachi medicine artis professoris filii: deo fave[n]te maxi[m]o finis impositus est. Nobilis vicentini Joannisphilippi Aureliani [et] fratrum impensa. Opera vero atq[ue] ingenio Laurentii Canozii Lendenariensis impresse Patavi. Anno Christi optimi .M.cccc.ii [et]. Lxx. Decimo Kalendas Decembris.
Printed in Canozi's types 1:91/92G and 2:115G.
Collation: [1-9¹⁰]: 90 leaves.
Paper format: Imperial folio.
Each paragraph of the text of Aristotle is printed in a new and an old translation, and is followed by the commentary of Averroes on the latter (BMC).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 43.5 x 27.5 cm.
Hand decoration: Contemporary northern Italian/Bologna illuminated foliate initials, alternating red and blue rubrication, running headlines (with triangular puncti), and paragraph marks (C-type, many with fleur-de-lis finials). Commentaries numbered in margin. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.