Title from leaf A1r.
Imprint from colophon (leaf s6r): "Impressum Venetiis dexteritate Aldi Manucii Romani. Calendis novembris. M.CCCC.LXXXXV."
Collation: A-C⁸ [Delta]⁸ E-K⁸ L-N⁶; a-c⁸ d-e⁶; f-i⁸ [kappa]⁸ l-q⁸ r-s⁶: 234 leaves.
Paper format: Super-chancery folio
Printed in Manutius's types 1:146Gr and 3:108R.
Edited by Aldus Manutius and Alexander Bondinus. Includes Greek epigrams and prefatory letters by Aldus Manutius and Scipione Forteguerri, and a foreword by Alexander Bondinus.
Manutius issued the entire Opera in five parts, dated: I) Organon, 1 Nov. 1495 (PML 1126/ChL 989); II) Physica, Feb. 1497 (PML 1127/ChL 997, PML 19117/ChL 997 c. 2); III) De animalibus, 29 Jan. 1497 (PML 1128/ChL 995); IV) Theophrastus, De historia plantarum, 1 June 1497 (PML 1129-1130/ChL 998, PML 34896/ChL 998 c. 2, pt. 1 only); V) Ethica ad Nicomachum, June 1498 (PML 1131/ChL 1008).
The first of the volumes of Aristoteles's Opera printed by Aldus Manutius in 1495-1498, but considered by him to form an independent work (cf. Walsh 2630).
The last two words of leaf a7r read either "episēmais apodeiktikais" or (correctly) "apodeiktikais episēmais" (cf. BMC V 553).
Woodcut headpieces and initials; diagram on leaf I1r.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 31 x 21.1 cm
Aristotelis Opera Graece.
Hand decoration: No rubrication necessary. Annotations: No marginal notations.