Title from incipit (leaf [1]/3v): Sequitur hic historia nova de sancta anna pulcra devota et autentica.
Jacobus Louber, Tractatulos contra istos qui dicunt sanctos Joseph, Joachim ... publice non esse venerandos printed first (leaves [1]/2r-3r), incipit: Nota h[ec] queda[m] brevia excerpta Ex tractaculo fratris jacobi louber ord[in]is carthusiensiu[m] decretoru[m] doctoris co[n]tra istos qui dicunt sanctos joseph. joachim. maria[m] jacobi et salome. ceterosq[ue] veteris testamenti sanctos in ecclesia dei publice non esse venerandos. neq[ue] ip[s]orum festa celebranda.
Date derived from text (leaf [1]/3r, line 26): ... A[nn]o d[omi]ni .1.4.7.viii. hec collecta sunt Et anno proximo sub sequenti impressa.
Printed in Sorg's type 2:118G.
Collation: [1⁸ 2-3¹⁰ 4⁶]: 34 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and [4]/6 blank. Variant collation in GW.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Checklist records work under Louber, De veneratione Veteris Testamenti sanctorum.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 29.7 x 21.2 cm, témoin (leaf [1]/3): 29.7 x 22.1 cm.
Historia nova, pulchra, devota et authentica de S. Anna
Hand decoration: Printed intitials colored in red, red capital strokes. Annotations: Contemporary marginal notations in several hands. Note (leaf [1]/1r): "P[er] ven[erab]li viro d[omi]no Bernhardo [etc.] Iste mittu[n]t[ur] hystorie ut exeis ut optime novit alias et special[ite]r de s[an]cta anna...". Several notes in the same hand in text reference the celebration of certain feast days. Inscription on rear pastedown: "Item ain a geschenkt ain i dar an gehengt CCCC roβysen ain zimmer apst L und die appostel zal wurdent nider gelegt dry fursten im necker doll".