Gold tooled bindings (Binding)

Cosmo Medici Duci Florentinor et Senens Vrbis Romae aedificiorum illustrium quae supersunt reliquiae / summa cum diligentia a Ioanne Antonio Dosio stilo ferreo ut hodie cernuntur descriptae ; et a Io. Baptista de Cavaleriis aeneis tabulis incisis repraese

Dosio, Giovanni Antonio, 1533-approximately 1609.
[Rome] : Io. Baptista de Cavarleriis, MXLXIX Kal Mai [May 1569].
PML 77776

Cosmographia (Tr: Jacobus Angelus. Ed: Philippus Beroaldus and others).

Ptolemy, active 2nd century.
Bologna : Dominicus de Lapis, 23 June '1462' [i.e., 1477]
PML 35365-66

Cronecken der Sassen.

Mainz : Peter Schoeffer, 6 Mar. 1492.
PML 33

Cy commence lystoire du tres vaillant chevalier Paris [et] de la belle Vienne fille du daulphin lesquelz pour layaulme[n]t aymer souffrirent moult dadversites aua[n]t quilz puissent iouyr de leurs amours.

Pierre, de la Cépède, active 15th century.
[Lyon] : [Mathias Huss], [approximately 1485-1486]
PML 75837

De arte praedicandi

Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
[Mainz] : Johann Fust [and Peter Schoeffer, not after Mar. 1467]
PML 52089

De bello Italico adversus Gotthos.

Bruni, Leonardo, 1369-1444.
[Venice] : Nicolaus Jenson, [before July] 1471.
PML 125451

De civitate dei.

Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
[Strasbourg] : [Johann Mentelin], [not after 1468]
PML 15122

De comentariis antiquitatu[m].

Nanni, Giovanni, 1432?-1502.
Rome in Campo Flore : Impressa per Eucharium Silber alias Frank, [10 July 1498, 3 August 1498].
PML 15429

De duodecim Cesaribus liber.

Suetonius, approximately 69-approximately 122.
Rome : Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz, [after 30 August] 1470.
PML 245

De imitatione Christi libri IV.

Paris : Imprimerie Royale, 1640.
PML 61838