Gold tooled bindings (Binding)

Tabula. Add: Basilius Magnus: De legendis antiquorum libris sive De liberalibus studiis. Plutarchus: De liberis educandis. Xenophon: De tyrannide [all in Greek].

[Florence : Laurentius (Francisci) de Alopa, Venetus, about 1496]
PML 41676

The Chorle and the birde.

Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
[Westminster] : [William Caxton], [1476]
PML 27474

The dictes or sayengis of the philosophres.

Westmestre : enprynted by me William Caxton, the yere of our lord .M.CCCC.Lxxvii [1477, before 18 November]
PML 773

The doctrinal of sapyence.

Westminster : William Caxton, [after 7 May 1489]
PML 699

The historie of Philip de Commines Knight, Lord of Argenton.

Commynes, Philippe de, approximately 1447-1511.
[London] : Imprinted at London by Ar. Hatfield, for I. Norton, 1601.
PML 77753

The hors, the shepe [and] the ghoos.

Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
[Westminster] : [William Caxton], [about 1476]
PML 27473

The myrroure of the blessyd lyf of Jhesu Cryste.

[Westminster] : William Caxton, [about 1489-1490]
PML 701

The pylgremage of the sowle.

Guillaume, de Deguileville, active 14th century.
Westminster : William Caxton, 6 June 1483.
PML 20892

The rule and exercises of holy living: in which are described the means and instruments of obtaining every vertue, and the remedies against every vice ... Together with prayers containing the whole duty of a Christian. And the parts of devotion fitted to all occasions, and Furnished for all necessities.

Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667.
London, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for J. Meredith, in trust for R. and E. Meredith: and are to be sold by S. and J. Sprint [etc.] 1703.
PML 51317

The works of Thomas Gray : collated from the various editions : with memoirs of his life and writings ...

Gray, Thomas, 1716-1771.
London : Printed and published by J.F. Dove ..., 1827.
PML 27017