Goatskin bindings (Binding)

Ha-ʻEsrim arbʻa.

[Soncino] : Avraham Y.Z.Y.Y.A. b. K.M.R. Ḥayim [for] Yehoshuʻa Shelomoh ben Yisrael Natan, 11 la-ḥodesh Iyar shenat 248 [22 April 1488].
PML 21590

Hapanta tà toû Plátōnos = Omnia Platonis opera.

Venetiis : In aedib. Aldi, et Andreae soceri, mense septembri M.D.XIII [1513]
PML 1528

Hec practica narrat de presenti a[n]no et seque[n]tibus quamplurimis annis de nouis raris et inauditis rebus et gestis que futura sunt in hoc mu[n]do.

Lichtenberger, Johannes, active 15th century, author.
In inclita urbe Argentina : [Bartholomaeus Kistler], [after 31 December 1499]
PML 68

Heilsame Lehre und Predigt.

Geiler von Kaysersberg, Johann, 1445-1510.
[Augsburg] : [Johann Schobsser], Anno d[omi]ni .M.cccc.lxxxix. jare [1489].
PML 27171

Herbarius latinus (with Dutch synonyms).

[Louvain] : Johann Veldener, [after 16 Feb. 1486]; [Culemborg]
PML 27547

Herbarius latinus (without synonyms).

Vicenza : Leonardus Achates de Basilea and Guilielmus de Papia, 27 Oct. 1491; Leonardus Achates de Basilea, 1480.
PML 25977

Here begynneth a lytell treatyse of the horse, the shepe, and the goos.

Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
[Westminster] : [Wynkyn de Worde], [1500]
PML 20039

Here begynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea that is to saye in Englysshe the golden legende. For lyke as passeth golde in valewe all other metallys. So this legende excelleth all other bookes.

Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.
Westmynster : by me Wynkyn de Worde, viii. daye of Janeuer the yere of oure lorde thousande CCCClxxxxviii [8 January 1498].
PML 739

Here begynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea, that is to say in englyshe the golden legende.

Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.
Westmestre : [Wynkyn de Worde], the xx day of May, the yere of our lord M CCCClxxxxiii [20 May 1493].
PML 724

Herodoti Halicarnasei Historiarum liber primus.

Venice : Jacobus Rubeus, [before December] 1474.
PML 18392