Printed Books

"In wilderness is the preservation of the world".

New York : Sierra Club, 1962.
PML 152125

"It is never too late to mend" : a matter of fact romance.

Reade, Charles, 1814-1884.
London : Chatto & Windus, 1906.
PML 195731

"Jinny" / by Bret Harte.

Harte, Bret, 1836-1902.
London : George Routledge and Sons, [1878]
PML 185532

"Judge not a book by its cover" : a few proverbs / illustrated in the spirit of fun by John Averill.

Averill, John.
Chicago : Published in that same spirit [by] the Black Cat Press, 1963.
PML 251139

"King of the hill" : Norman Mailer on the fight of the century.

Mailer, Norman.
New York : New American Library, [1971]
PML 180723

"Landscapes in pen and ink by Jessie M. King".

King, Jessie M.
Dec. 15, 1905.
PML 84541

"Les désirs" ; ou, Le livre égaré, roman / par Claude Aveline.

Aveline, Claude, 1901-1992.
Maestricht : Éditions A.A.M. Stols; Paris : Se vend chez Claude Aveline, 1926.
PML 128570

"Literature and life"; a lecture delivered April 13, 1931, at Princeton University, by John Galsworthy ...

Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933.
[Princeton, N.J.] Princeton University Press, 1931.
PML 54378

"Little puff of smoke" "good night" : a southern croon / words by R. W. Lardner ; music by G. Harris (Doc') White ; arr. by Otto Frey.

White, Doc, 1879-1969, composer.
Chicago ; New York : Victor Kremer Co., 1910.
PML 188030

"Love me little, love me long" / by Charles Reade.

Reade, Charles, 1814-1884.
London : Trübner & Co., 1859.
PML 133257-58