Music Manuscripts and Printed Music

Fan signed with music by Johann Strauss, Puccini and others [fan].

Unknown German, 19th cent.
Germany? 1890-1912
Music Collection: 

Heimweh, op. 63 no. 8 : autograph manuscript, 1874.

Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897.
Lieder und Gesänge, op. 63. Heimweh, no. 2
Cary 71

Kindersuite = Suite enfantine = Childrens' [sic] suite : piano : op. 57 / Joseph Achron.

Achron, Joseph, 1886-1943.
Childrens' suite
[Wien] : Universal-Edition, c1931.
PMC 1098

King Arthur : autograph manuscript, 1895 Jan. 6.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
King Arthur
1895 Jan. 6.
GSC 100281

La bohème, Act 4 (sketches) : autograph manuscript, 1895 Dec. 12.

Puccini, Giacomo, 1858-1924.
Bohème. Quadro 4o (Sketches)
1895 Dec. 12.
Heineman MS 173B

La Bohême, quattro quadri di G. Giocosa e L. Illica. musica di G. Puccini [print] / Hohenstein, 95.

Hohenstein, Adolf, 1854-1928, designer
[Milan : Officine grafiche Ricordi, 1895 or 6]
Music Collection: 

La boîte à joujoux : ballet pour enfants / Claude Debussy ; argument d'André Hellé.

Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918.
Boîte à joujoux
Paris : Durand, c1920.
PMC 920

Master Max Darewski [print].

PMC 1341

Mephisto waltz no. 1 for piano : autograph manuscript, 1859 Sept. 1.

Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886.
Episoden aus Lenau's Faust. Tanz in der Dorfschenke; arr.
1859 Sept. 1.
Music Collection: 

Phantasiestücke for piano, violin and violoncello, op. 88 : copyist's manuscript, 1842.

Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856.
Fantasiestücke, piano trio
Music Collection: