Literary and Historical Manuscripts

"What are these-faux? They's fo'tellin' time, lady" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Lorenz, Lee.
20th century.
MA 11606

"What do you mean have I given our summer vacation some thought? I give everything some thought." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Weber, Robert.
MA 12353

"What do you mean I'm not user friendly'?" : cover illustration for Forbes Magazine [print].

Price, George, 1901-1995.
MA 12509.1-7

"What do you think, Al - shall I use the tax cut for a CD-ROM drive or an Uzi?" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Lorenz, Lee.
MA 12373

"What has happened to the American dream?" : typescript draft, [1960].

MacLeish, Archibald, 1892-1982.
MA 5469

"What have you done to yourself, Hank? You somehow look forty years younger." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Handelsman, J. B.
MA 11862

"What I can't understand is: are we here at the request of the government that's in power now or the government that was in power last week or the one that was in power six weeks ago?" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Richter, Mischa, 1910-2001.
MA 12667

"What I'd really like is an international playboy." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Shermund, Barbara, 1899-1978.
MA 12523

"What if he did dance with you on the boat. I still insist you can't be Queen" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Shermund, Barbara, 1899-1978.
MA 12539

"What in the hell ever became of the light at the end of the tunnel?" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Booth, George, 1926-
20th century.
MA 11845