Literary and Historical Manuscripts

"Say, Hitler's getting stout, isn't he?" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Shermund, Barbara, 1899-1978.
MA 12566

"Season's greetings" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Woodman, Bill.
MA 11715.1-3

"Seat belt or no seat belt - you don't get one for the road!" : cartoon for the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety [print].

Taylor, Richard.
20th century.
MA 12466

"See here's your truck, right in the survival shelter where you left it." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Lorenz, Lee.
20th century.
MA 11876

"See you later, Debbie. Try to combine the firm yet sensitive supervision of Mr. Clinton with the strict yet compassionate stewardship of Mr. Dole." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Handelsman, J. B.
MA 11527

"See, the problem with doing things to prolong your life is that all the extra years come at the end, when you're old" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Mankoff, Robert.
MA 11514

"Selling out high is the best revenge." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Cline, Richard.
MA 12412

"Senator, you have been described as lazy, humorless, uninformed, unscrupulous, lacking in compassion, and totally unfit for public office. How would you respond to that?" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Lorenz, Lee.
MA 12357

"Sharp pencils, clean paper, good light, comfortable chair, hot coffee, warm room...ready to work...perhaps the room is too warm..." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Barsotti, C. (Charles)
MA 11687

"She got married and she's awfully blue about it." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Shermund, Barbara, 1899-1978.
MA 12549