Literary and Historical Manuscripts

Album of photographs of the No. 6 General Hospital, Nurses, and Soldiers : [Rouen, France], [1917-1919].

Aldborough, Suffolk [drawing].

Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855.
[1835] Dec. 29.
MA 2696.54

Alderman John Boydell [picture] / by William Miller.

MA 11145

Alex.dre Lameth [print] / F. Bonneville det et sculp.

Bonneville, François, 18th cent., engraver.
Paris (rue du Théatre Francais No. 4) : [s.n., 17--]
MA 10465

Alex: Berthier [broadside] / Couche fils sculp.

Couché, Louis-François, 1782-1849, engraver.
MA 11115

Alexander Pope Esq. [print] / A. Pond pinxit ; J. Houbraken sculps. Amst.

Houbraken, Jacobus, 1698-1780, engraver.
London : Impensis J & P Knapton Londini, 1747.
MA 205.15

Alexander Pope [drawing].

Harding, G. P. (George Perfect), 1780-1853.
19th century
MA 205.28

Alexander Pope [picture] / by John Richardson.

MA 10749

Alexander Pope [print] / drawn by T. Uwins ; engraved by C. Warren.

Warren, Charles Turner, 1767-1823, engraver.
London : Published by W. Walker, 6 Grays Inn Square, 1821.
MA 205.6

Alexander Pope's monument at Twickenham [print] / S. Wale delint. ; Ravenet sculpsit.

Ravenet, Simon François, 1706-1774, engraver.
[London] : [publisher not identified], [1769]
MA 205.5