Drawn to Greatness: Master Drawings from the Thaw Collection

She Talks with Her Cat (Habla con su gato)
They Go Well Together (Muy acordes)
Madness (Locura)
Just Because She Is Asked if Her Mother Is Well She Acts Like a Tigress (Solo porque le pregunta, si esta buena su madre se pone como un tigre). Verso: Trust (Confianza)
You Are Having a Bad Time (Mal tiempo pasas)
Leave It All to Providence (Dejalo todo a la probidencia)
The Game of Morra
Ascent of a Balloon in Venice
View of Levico in the Valsugana. Verso: Landscape with city wall and poplars
Clothing the Naked
A View of Tangier from the Southeast
Fantastic Castle at Twilight
Portrait of Adolphe-Marcellin Defresne
Portrait of Madame Adolphe-Marcellin Defresne, née Sophie Leroy
Odalisque with Lute Player and Attendant
Frau Johann Gotthard Reinhold and Her Two Daughters, Susette and Marie
View with the Dome of S. Maria degli Angeli, Naples
Panoramic Landscape with Scattered Farm Buildings and a Windmill
David and the Three Heroes
Heroic Landscape. Verso: Landscape with a coastal city in the distance