
Ivy from the bridge over Bonnie Doon, collected by a member of the Hawthorne family [realia].

MA 3400 (16)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's quill pen [realia].

Key with attached tag [realia].

before 1798.
MA 6926.5

Lock of hair of Aunt Ebe, a member of Hawthorne family [realia].

MA 3400 (12)

Lock of Julian Hawthorne's baby hair [realia].

ca. 1846
MA 3400 (11)

Medal with legend "Rowland Hill / Originator of the penny postage system / 1840" [realia].

MA 4500 (51)

Medal with legend "Victoria Regina" [realia].

Wyon, William, 1795-1851.
London, 1837.
MA 4500 (50)

Medallion of the mark of Richard Pynson [realia].

Metal snail given to Rose Hawthorne by her sister, Una [realia].

MA 3400 (7)

Metal trunk used to house the Bowerswell papers [realia].