Incunable Collection

Here begynneth a lytell treatyse of the horse, the shepe, and the goos.

Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
[Westminster] : [Wynkyn de Worde], [1500]
PML 20039

Here begynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea that is to saye in Englysshe the golden legende. For lyke as passeth golde in valewe all other metallys. So this legende excelleth all other bookes.

Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.
Westmynster : by me Wynkyn de Worde, viii. daye of Janeuer the yere of oure lorde thousande CCCClxxxxviii [8 January 1498].
PML 739

Here begynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea, that is to say in englyshe the golden legende.

Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.
Westmestre : [Wynkyn de Worde], the xx day of May, the yere of our lord M CCCClxxxxiii [20 May 1493].
PML 723

Here begynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea, that is to say in englyshe the golden legende.

Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.
Westmestre : [Wynkyn de Worde], the xx day of May, the yere of our lord M CCCClxxxxiii [20 May 1493].
PML 724

Here begynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea, that is to say in englyshe the golden legende.

Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.
Westmestre : [Wynkyn de Worde], the xx day of May, the yere of our lord M CCCClxxxxiii [20 May 1493].
PML 785

Here begynnethe the boke calledde John bochas descriuinge the falle of princis princessis [and] other nobles.

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375.
London : Empentyd by Richard Pynson, the xxvii day of Janyuere. In the yere of oure lorde god M CCCClxxxxiiii [27 January 1494].
PML 753

Here endith the boke of Natura breuium emprynted by Richard Pynson.

[London] : emprynted by Richard Pynson, [1494]
PML 33723.2

Herodiani Historiae de imperio post Marcum vel de suis temporibus liber primus [-octauus] / e Graeco translatus Angelo Politiano interprete ...

Bononiae : Plato de Benedictis, Anno Domini .M.CCCC.LXXXXIII. pridie kale[ndas] septembres [31 August 1493].
PML 451

Herodoti Halicarnasei Historiarum liber primus.

Venice : Jacobus Rubeus, [before December] 1474.
PML 18392

Herodoti Halicarnasei libri novem : Clio, Liber primus : Euterpe, Liber secundus : Thalia, Liber tertius : Melpomene, Liber quartus : Terpsichore, Liber quintus : Erato, Liber sextus : Polyhymnia, Liber septimus : Urania, Liber octauus : Calliope, Liber nonus.

Venetiis : Impressa per Joannem & Gregoriu[m] de Gregoriis fratres, Anno domini MCCCCXCIIII die viii Martii [i.e. after 30 March 1494]
PML 23659