Letter to Bosie, page 1

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Oscar Wilde

Autograph letter signed, to "Bosie" [Lord Alfred Douglas], ca. Nov. 1892. 4 p.

Gift of Lucia Moreira Salles, 2008

MA 7258.11

Page 1

Love to Encombe

A[lbemarle] C[lub]

Dearest Bosie
    I am so glad you are better, and that you like the little cardcase—Oxford is quite impossible in winter. I

Letter to Bosie, pages 2–3

Oscar Wilde

Autograph letter signed, to "Bosie" [Lord Alfred Douglas], ca. Nov. 1892. 4 p.

Gift of Lucia Moreira Salles, 2008

MA 7258.11

Pages 2–3

go to Paris next week—for 10 days or so. Are you really going to the Scilly Isles?
    I should awfully like to go away with you somewhere—where it is hot and coloured—
    I am terribly busy in

Letter to Bosie, page 4

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Oscar Wilde

Autograph letter signed, to "Bosie" [Lord Alfred Douglas], ca. Nov. 1892. 4 p.

Gift of Lucia Moreira Salles, 2008

MA 7258.11

Page 4

town—Tree rushing up to see me on all occasions—also strange and troubling personalities walking in painted pageants—
    Of the poem I will write tomorrow.

Ever yours